
How To Set Up Live Trap

William has written five books, on topics ranging from technological fiction to office humor, and is the owner of Bayla Publishing.



Your Neighbor, the Chipmunk

Whether yous live in the metropolis or the country, your home is likely to be visited at some point by a chipmunk. Although they are cute, they tin can besides be destructive and unhealthy. This article shows you how to set a trap to catch the lilliputian guys and also shows how to release them.

The Right Trap

Once you accept determined that you need to relocate your visiting chipmunk, yous will need to buy a trap. At that place are various models bachelor, but the ane used here is a Harbor Freight small rodent version. Information technology costs around seven dollars, and information technology comes folded apartment in a cardboard box.

The important affair is to make sure y'all get the correct sized trap for the job.


A Flat Trap

When y'all slide the trap out of its box, it lies flat, as seen in the motion picture to a higher place. Remove whatever plastic tags that may exist affixed and dispose of them in an environmentally friendly way.


Get together the Chipmunk Trap

On top of the cage there is a U-shaped bar, which you will push downwardly over the sides of the cage to help it hold its form without collapsing. Once this is in the correct position, the trap should look like the picture show shown on the right side of the split-screen photo to a higher place.

Note that the spring-loaded front end door is shown in the airtight position on the left side of the trap while the back door is shown in the open position on the right side of the trap.


The Chipmunk Allurement Cup

Y'all're virtually halfway there. Now you demand to find a cup to concord the bait. Your furry friend is going to need a reason to enter the trap, and that reason will be food. For a container, I used a plastic bottle, cutting it so it measured virtually two-by-two inches. It just needs to fit easily into the bottom of the cage.

I cutting a modest hole in the tab on the side, which you will also need to do.

Placing the Loving cup

The back of the muzzle is the side without the leap-loaded door. With the dorsum door open, put the cup within the back of the cage and insert the stop of the metal hook which hangs down from the top of the muzzle into the hole in the side of the cup. It should look like the photo to the right on top.

For bait for a chipmunk, many people recommend peanut butter. In my case, I used parrot seeds, since the chipmunk I was after had repeatedly demonstrated a fondness for discarded bags of it.

Whatever yous use, identify it in the cup and close the back door. Make sure the latch on the back door is secure, otherwise the chipmunk volition accept the food and run.

Curl to Continue

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Setting the Chipmunk Trap

This part is tricky, and tin can exist a bit frustrating, and then be patient. Every bit shown in the photos above, position the triggering rod betwixt the ii poles of the forepart door handle. As you pull the front door fully open, work the triggering rod towards the back of the muzzle, until it is parallel with the cage itself. Information technology should just reach to the top part of the bar that is attached to the allurement loving cup.


Very Gently...

The very tip of the triggering rod will slide into the loop at the tiptop of the bait hook. Equally you effort to make this concur, it will probably skid off a few times. Reposition the bait loving cup as needed to get the needed angle and tension. You will notice that it is best to have the trap in its final position earlier setting information technology, every bit even minor jarring volition jump information technology.


A Properly Set up Chipmunk Trap

The properly set trap should wait like the photograph higher up.

Exist certain to cheque on the trap frequently to make sure information technology hasn't accidentally sprung, and to see if you accept a guest. If you don't catch a chipmunk within a few days, you may desire to consider trying a new location or a different bait.

Where to Relocate a Chipmunk?

So information technology worked, and at present you have a caged chipmunk to deal with.

If you live near the woods, merely ship the cage some distance from your dwelling and open up the front door of the cage, freeing the chipmunk. If you live in a more urban area you could drive to a wooded surface area and release it there.

Experts vary as to how far away is far enough to prevent return, only a skillful estimate would exist at least 2-iii miles. If possible, an intervening obstacle such equally a river or major highway can help, and make sure y'all have permission to be on that belongings.


Starring Mr. Chips!

In my case, the chipmunk—Mr. Chips—was causing damage in the garage and basement, so a natural habitat near a stream a couple miles away was preferable, and seemed acceptable for release.

I found a overnice chip of wood with a small stream running through it, and made a video of the release, starring, of grade, Mr. Chips. His scene didn't concluding very long, merely I recall it made a bang-up catastrophe. Hopefully he'll be happy with his new home.

Expert luck, and enjoy the movie!

The Release of Mr. Chips

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author's knowledge and is non meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

William R Vitanyi (author) from Edinboro, Pennsylvania on June 13, 2022:

Howdy Samantha. I recall over time they can get used to you lot being nearby, just don't try to affect them. You might go bit. Cheers for the question!

Samantha on June 13, 2022:

Dear chipmunk tin can you help me brand one trust me

William R Vitanyi (author) from Edinboro, Pennsylvania on July 05, 2022:

Hi Scott. Thanks for reading, and thanks for the question. I think you lot take to weigh the problem you are trying to solve against the possibility of doing damage y'all cannot abide. If you can't check the trap(s) often plenty, don't ready them for now. Wait until you can cheque them more regularly. It may take longer, but eventually you will become your 'munk on terms you (and he) can live with.

Scott on July 05, 2022:

Hi William.....I know that Chipmunks take a tendency to get very broken-hearted when they are trapped, leading to dehydration and sometimes heart failure. I have been informed that v hours is the longest you can exit ane in a trap before releasing information technology. I wanted your input on this as I will be trapping a few of the fiddling fellas shortly. I am using humane traps for a reason and really don't want to detect any "lapsed" Chipmunks when I bank check them. If I cannot bank check them every few hours, should I not fix them that day? Information technology is VERY important to me that I injure none of them, not fifty-fifty accidentally. Thanks

William R Vitanyi (author) from Edinboro, Pennsylvania on June 27, 2022:

Thank you for the annotate, Virginia. I have edited the hub to include information most how far away to release a captured chipmunk. Thanks for reading and commenting!

Virginia Allain from Key Florida on June 27, 2022:

You didn't mention how far to take the chipmunk. I've been told that it needs a major barrier to continue it from returning (like a river or busy highway).

Nice video of the release.

Ronald E Franklin from Mechanicsburg, PA on October 29, 2022:

You did better for Mr. Chips than maybe you realized by letting him go in an area of undergrowth. I remember releasing some mice that had trapped themselves in a garbage can. I allow them go in an open field, and well-nigh immediately a militarist swooped downward and grabbed i of them. That was a wow! moment for me - I had no idea the hawk was flying above.

Patricia Scott from North Cardinal Florida on July 22, 2022:

I have never had a chipmunk issue anywhere that I have lived and I gauge I should be glad for that.

I am so glad this is a humane and gentle way to trap and so release into a new 'home' these ambrosial little critters. Cheers for giving u.s.a. this information.


Angels are on the mode to you lot this evening ps

Patricia Scott from N Cardinal Florida on July 22, 2022:

I have never had a chipmunk result anywhere that I have lived and I guess I should exist glad for that.

I am and then glad this is a humane and gentle way to trap then release into a new 'home' these adorable piffling critters. Give thanks you for giving us this information.


Angels are on the style to you this evening ps

Marie Hurt from New Orleans, LA on July 21, 2022:

Mr. Chips is a cutey, and I think he is happy in his new habitation. The video was a sugariness and happy ending. I enjoying reading this commodity, even though I luckily don't have to deal with any chipmunks at this time.

Carla J Swick from NW PA on July 21, 2022:

This is a smashing hub and much needed as I also have chipmunk pest. I will heed your directions wisely if he continues to dig up my blossom pots. Great hub - voted up!

How To Set Up Live Trap,


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