
How To Set Up Voicemail To Email

Voicemail is such an essential characteristic, but many people don't have it set upwardly but considering they don't recall well-nigh it. Unless you typically call back every missed call, it's helpful to allow important callers to leave a voicemail and so you know who yous need to think and who might exist a telemarketer. Setting upwardly your voicemail system takes less than v or 10 minutes. Information technology'southward worth it. Check out how easy the procedure is to set upwardly voicemail on Android phones.

See as well:How to check your voicemail on Android


Ready voicemail on Android by opening the Phone app, then pressing and belongings the number i. Enter your Pivot and follow the instructions to cease the setup. Hang up, and so press and agree the number i over again to admission your voicemail.


  • How to fix up voicemail on Android
  • What is the Visual Voicemail app?
  • Visual Voicemail app settings

Editor's note: Some instructions in this mail were put together using a Google Pixel 4a with 5G running Android 12. Proceed in heed some of the steps might differ, depending on your hardware and software.

How to fix voicemail on Android

LG V60 making a call

Outset, you'll want to open up up your born Phone app. Get to the dial screen and printing and hold the number one to offset a call to your voicemail service. If you have already set your voicemail, you will be prompted for your PIN; yous can reset your Pivot if yous've forgotten information technology, just the process varies by provider.

If you haven't set your voicemail, you volition hear a message stating, "No voicemail number is stored on the card." Follow the prompts yous hear to complete setting upwardly the voicemail service on your Android telephone. After you complete your voicemail setup, attempt pressing and belongings one again and verify that your voicemail is working correctly with the password you chose.

Yous're prepare to receive voicemails! If you also have the Visual Voicemail app, which natively comes with most new Android devices, you'll see a notification pop up for this app when you become a voicemail. I prefer to manage my voicemails in the Visual Voicemail app instead of dialing in to hear and manage my voicemails.

Here are stride-by-pace instructions:

  1. Open the Phone app.
  2. Press and Hold number 1 to call your voicemail service.
  3. You will exist asked for a PIN if your voicemail is already set. You tin can reset it if you forgot it.
  4. If you haven't gear up your voicemail, you'll hear a message saying, "No voicemail number is stored on the card."
  5. Follow instructions to fix upwards your voicemail.
  6. Hang up.
  7. Press and concord the number 1 once again. Enter your Pin. You lot're set up!

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What is the Visual Voicemail app?

Google Pixel 5 in hand 1 1

David Imel / Android Potency

Google Pixel 5

You can find the Visual Voicemail app on many Android phones; information technology provides an easy way to receive and organize your voicemail messages. You tin check your voicemail without having to make a telephone phone call and enter your passcode or PIN. In this app, you lot tin see all your voicemail messages, the date they came through, the number it was from, and how long the message is.

Newer Android operating systems include this Visual Voicemail app natively for your convenience. Later you use this app, I hope you lot won't desire to go back to the old way of dialing in to hear your voicemails.

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How to discover and modify settings in the Visual Voicemail app on Android

Usually, if you get a voicemail, yous'll see a notification from the Visual Voicemail box when information technology'southward ready to view. Yous can click on this notification to open the Visual Voicemail app and listen to the voicemail. If y'all open up your Phone app, you'll also see a push to open up your Visual Voicemail app (pictured below). Or y'all can also discover the Visual Voicemail app past either looking through all of your apps or using the Search function to blazon "Visual Voicemail."

visual voicemail on android

Sarah Chaney / Android Authorisation

Once you've located the Visual Voicemail app, it's straightforward to use. When the app is open, tap on the iii vertical dots in the top right; then tap on Settings. Here you'll be able to do the following:

  • Modify your voicemail greeting.
  • Toggle the autosave part.
  • Change your voicemail countersign.
  • Choose to brandish bulletin notifications in the status bar.
visual voicemail settings on android

Sarah Chaney / Android Authority

When it comes to irresolute your voicemail greeting, y'all'll have 3 options:

  • Default: This voicemail greeting will read out your number to callers past an automatic vox.
  • Proper noun: This greeting will denote your proper noun (recorded by you) to callers.
  • Custom: This is a personalized greeting that plays whatever you record.

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Can I prepare my voicemail from another phone?

Your smartphone's voicemail is commonly gear up automatically, which means it should be done using a telephone with the number attached to the voicemail. Once set up, though, y'all should be able to access your voicemail from whatsoever other phone, as long equally yous accept the PIN.

How many voicemails can I have?

There is no set universal limit on how many voicemails you can have. This number varies by carrier, simply it's commonly effectually 20-30. Carriers besides often have a time limit on the time they'll store these voicemails; usually nigh a month or two.

How accurate is visual voicemail?

Visual voicemail transcripts are pretty authentic nowadays, simply they don't always become things right. It would help if you always listened to the voicemail to ensure it gets things correct, peculiarly when dealing with important letters. Visual voicemail is excellent for taking a quick glance at voicemails and getting an idea of what the message says, only never trust it completely.

How To Set Up Voicemail To Email,


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