
How To Set Up Emergency Contacts On Samsung

How to use your Milky way telephone in emergency situations

A phone with the Power menu and the Emergency mode icon displayed

In a disquisitional situation, your Galaxy phone can make all the divergence. You lot can employ it to make emergency calls or contact loved ones in a fourth dimension of demand. And if you take to act quickly, y'all tin dial correct from the Lock screen. On tiptop of this, you can plow on Emergency mode. This volition help conserve battery life by altering some of the phone's functions, such as decreasing the screen'due south effulgence and limiting apps. With Emergency mode, your phone's battery tin terminal for a couple days.

Annotation: The Home screen will be changed to a black theme to reduce bombardment consumption. Available screens and settings may vary by wireless service provider, software version, and telephone model.

Brand an emergency phone call from the Lock screen

When something urgent is happening, you probably won't accept time to unlock your phone and call 9-1-1. If you have a security measure out in place, like a PIN or a biometric security, you can make an emergency telephone call right from the Lock screen. Just swipe upward on your telephone's screen to exist taken to the Lock screen, and then tap Emergency call. A dial pad will appear where you lot tin enter your desired number. Your registered emergency contacts will also appear at the acme of the screen. Finally, a Medical info icon will appear at the lesser of the screen. Tap this to bear witness any medical information y'all've added to your personal contact.

Make an emergency call with no service or SIM card

In a dire state of affairs, y'all can still make emergency calls even if y'all don't take service or a working SIM carte du jour. Every bit long every bit at that place is a network signal nearby, your phone will let you contact ix-i-i. The network doesn't even accept to exist your own carrier - it merely needs a signal that is strong enough to put the phone call through. When you need to brand an emergency call, punch nine-1-1 the way you commonly would on your phone.

Make a telephone call while in Emergency fashion

The Dwelling screen in Emergency manner will only display the apps and functions you absolutely need. This includes the Phone app and the Emergency call option.

Tap the Phone app to access all of your contacts, then you can nevertheless make a phone call to family members and friends. The Keypad is too available if you demand to dial a new number.

Tap Emergency call at the bottom of the Abode screen to punch 9-i-1. Tap Yep to activate the telephone call.

Emergency call option displayed at bottom of Emergency mode screen

Notation:Y'all volition be able to use the Phone app to brand a call to a specified contact and also to make emergency calls. Yous tin also turn on the flashlight and audio alarms and send your location information to others in a message.

  1. To turn on Emergency mode, swipe down from the top of the screen using two fingers to open up the Quick settings console.

  2. If needed, enter your lock screen credentials.

  3. Tap the checkbox to ostend you have read the Emergency mode terms and conditions, and and then tap Hold.

  4. Tap Turn on- Emergency Mode will actuate.

Turn on option highlighted on a Galaxy phone

On phones without a dedicated Power key, swipe downwardly from the summit of the screen to open up Quick settings. Tap the Power icon, and then tap Emergency way.

The Emergency style interface is very different from the regular interface you are used to. Here's what it looks similar:

  • Flashlight: Plough the flashlight on or off.

  • Share my location: Share your location with a recipient of your choice.

  • Cyberspace: Launch an cyberspace browser, such equally Samsung Net.

  • Emergency alarm: Your phone will turn on a loud alarm.

Listed apps on the Emergency mode Home screen

  • Phone: Launch the Telephone app to brand calls.

If y'all'd like to add another app to the Emergency fashion Habitation screen, tap More options (the three vertical dots) and and then tap Edit apps. Tap Add, choose from the available apps, such as Clock or Maps, and and then tap Done.

Sometimes, even in Emergency mode, you don't need certain apps. You tin can remove the apps you don't want to use.

  1. While in Emergency mode, tap More options (the iii vertical dots), and so tap Edit apps.

  2. Tap the Remove icon next to the app yous wish to remove, and then tap Done.

  3. If needed, you lot can add the app again afterwards by tapping Edit apps.

  4. Note: Some apps cannot be removed from the Home screen.

Edit apps option highlighted in Emergency mode

But because the Emergency manner is bare, it doesn't hateful your phone loses all of its features.

Tap More options (the iii vertical dots), and then tap Settings. Tap a characteristic to change its settings. Simply apps and features that can be used in Emergency way will be available.

List of Settings in Emergency mode

When you no longer need to worry about battery life, it'due south time to plow Emergency manner off.

Tap More options (the three vertical dots), and and then tap Plough off Emergency way.

Turn off Emergency mode option highlighted on a Galaxy phone

If you ever experience a truthful emergency, such every bit a flood or convulsion, y'all may not have the time to brand a phone call or transport out a text. Because of this, you lot should ready the SOS messages feature on your phone. Information technology will send out an SOS alert to emergency contacts, and so they volition know something is wrong. All you lot take to do is press the Side central or Ability key a couple times to transport out the alert.

  1. To set SOS letters, first navigate to and open Settings. Tap Safety & emergency, and so tap Send SOS messages.

    Send SOS messages option highlighted on a Galaxy phone

  2. Tap theswitch at the summit of the screen; read the information and then tapContinue.

  3. Review the required permissions, and and so tapCommencement. From hither, select eitherCreate contact orSelect from contacts.

    Create contact and Select from contacts options on a Galaxy phone

  4. Make or choose your emergency contact - they volition be the one who receives the SOS alerts. If desired, y'all can add together multiple contacts.

  5. TapDorsum, and and then adjust the different settings. For example, yous can adjust how many times y'all need to press the Side key or Ability key before an warning is sent. Or, y'all can decide if you'd like to adhere images or an audio recording to the SOS message.

  6. If you are ever in an emergency and desire to send an SOS message, press the Side central or Power key 3 or four times speedily. This will send an SOS message to your designated contact(s).

  7. Notation: The phone must have an active SIM card in order to send an SOS warning. When using the SOS feature, your location, photo, and voice recording will be sent the first time a call is fabricated. It volition send updated locations (every 30 minutes for a span of 24 hours) until the alert is stopped. This also applies to Galaxy lookout devices.

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